These charts provide an insight into the way Qiezli's alpha-version behavior was modeled in early 2011. Admittedly, Qiezli's current behaviour and interactions are relatively crude and explicitly reactive compared with more intelligent conversational agents. Qiezli is a personality-in-progress. Expect more charts and evolved functionality in the coming months...
Please see the Future Work for more details about Qiezli's gradual evolution towards abstract personification and alien-like intelligence...
This chart provides an overview of Qiezli's state-transitions from "daydreaming/solitary" to "presenting/social"
UPDATE: Qiezli's wandering animation is also known as "roaming"...
This detailed chart shows Qiezli's data allocation and retrieval scheme...
This chart shows Qiezli's actuators/sensors and how they relate to state-transitions....
This chart shows Qiezli's emotional comfort threshold....
Once Qiezli detects avatars/agents in its midst, four “emotional” conditions are considered during the social interaction process. Inspired by Laird’s State Operator and Result’s (SOAR) four types of impasse (“no-change, “tie”, “conflict”, “rejection”), and Anstey’s four emotional categories (“praise”, “encouragement”, “criticism”, “explanation”), Qiezli’s social conditions are: ambient, passive, conversational and hostile. If avatar(s)/agent(s) have left Qiezli’s gaze range for more than 1 minute, Qiezli will activate the random roaming animation as part of an ambient condition and depart at a slow velocity but will continue scanning for new avatars/agents while running its do-while daydreaming loop. The passive condition is publically expressed if the detected avatar(s)/agent(s) are still within Qiezli’s gaze range but have been idle for at least two minutes. After this period of lengthy idleness, Qiezli switches back to its solitary/daydreaming mode, re-activates the roaming animation, departs at a random velocity and delays any re-scanning for new avatars/agents for 5 minutes. The reason for the delay in scanning new avatars is because Qiezli has come to the conclusion that others are uninterested in its artistic presentation-performance so it quickly becomes “bored” and returns to its self-absorbed daydreaming state. The conversational condition is met if the detected avatar(s)/agent(s) are not idle but move around at a very low velocity and with little or no visceral interaction (collision) with the video-prim limbs. Under this condition, Qiezli will present video-prims with the color scheme that matches the current level of interaction/collision. For example, the more each prim is touched by an avatar/agent, the redder it will get. Unless, the other three conditions are met (ambient, passive, hostile), then Qiezli will engage in this presentation mode for a random duration of time. After which, it will re-activate its roaming animation and depart at a random velocity. If the agents/avatars cross this comfort threshold by making all of Qiezli’s 6 video-prim limbs completely red, Qiezli’s will perceive this behavior as a hostile condition and initiates a contingency plan. Under this condition, Qiezli immediately switches to its roaming animation while intentionally avoiding those “hostile” avatars using the llRequestAgentData_Name function and escapes at a much faster velocity than in the passive mode. Naturally, Qiezli also delays re-scanning new avatars/agents for at least 5 minutes.
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